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Welcome to Action Potential Working with Hayes Chiropractic Ltd. Make a commitment to your well-being today!

Book Your Appointment

Call us today on
0117 9612060


Opening Times

Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 6:30pm

We combine spinal adjustments, soft tissue work, dry needling (western style acupuncture), cranial manipulation and rehabilitative exercise to help you recover optimum health and peak performance naturally.

Our feet are important, often they are the most neglected part of our body, yet they are the most active.

At Action Potential we provide private practice physiotherapy specialising in musculoskeletal conditions. We work closely with other professions within the clinic, as well as local consultants and GPs.

Sports massage or soft tissue therapy is suitable for almost everyone and can have many benefits, helping to improve your quality of life in general as well as in your chosen sport.

Acupuncture / dry needling is one of the many skills used by our fully trained therapists as part of an integrated approach to the management of acute and chronic pain in musculoskeletal conditions.

Pilates will help you to become more aware of your own body, allowing you to recognise your physical strengths and weaknesses. Pilates can then help you address these factors to improve your quality of life.


Reduce or eliminate

Click below to learn about the wide range of health benefits which our services have to offer.


Get Well
And Stay Well

Click below to learn about the wide range of health benefits which our services have to offer.


Affordable & Exceptional

Click below to learn about the wide range of health benefits which our services have to offer.

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Health Benefits Of
Physical Therapy

Reduce or eliminate pain

Improve your balance and posture

Avoid surgery

Improve mobility

Recover from sports injuries

Manage age-related issues

Contact us for more information or book an appointment

Meet Our Therapists

Sports Massage Therapy and Foot Health
Foot Health