What is Sports Massage Therapy?
Sports massage or soft tissue therapy is suitable for almost everyone and can have many benefits, helping to improve your quality of life in general as well as in your chosen sport.
Sports massage therapy deals with those nagging aches and pains that plague all of us from time to time. These problems are usually caused by general day to day living, hobbies, work practices and sport and in most cases can be improved very quickly. We offer sports massage therapy treatments which focus on soft tissue injuries, typically affecting muscles, tendons and ligaments. The techniques used by sports massage practitioners have been developed to ensure effective and efficient results are gained from each massage given.

It is important to remember that any physical activity can cause a soft tissue injury, not just sport! You do not need to only be a sports performer to benefit from a sports massage. The benefits of a sports massage can also help relieve other common non-sporting problems such as repetitive strain injury, sprains, tension and fatigue.
Many of our therapies are covered by private health insurers, and you can also see us via a referral from your G.P – so please do ask. If you are paying for yourself, we’ll find a treatment plan that fits your budget. We work with all our clients to provide the best possible value for their money.

Our Sports Massage Therapy Services in Bristol
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Tamsin Slavin
Sports Massage Therapy and Foot Health
Some Kind Words From Clients
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